
时间: 2014-03-17 08:22:09
栏目: 文艺先锋

布莱希特 《工人读史》 a worker reads history
忒拜七门谁人铸造? who bilut the seven gates of thebes?
帝王名号满载史册。 the books are filled with the names of kings.
个中几人亲运石料? was it kings who hauled the craggy blocks of stone?
巴比伦古城屡屡战败, and babylon so many times destroyed.
谁人不厌兴图重建? who bulit the city up each time?
利马圣殿金碧辉煌, in which of lima's houses,the city glittering with gold,
筑者入住几许? lived those who built it?
中国长城修毕之日, in the evening when the chinese wall was finished,
石匠又去向何方? where did the masons go?
罗马帝国扬威耀武, imerial rome is full of arcs of triumph,
又是何人之功? who reared them up?
凯撒凯旋,谁者败寇? over whom did the caesars triumph?
拜占庭歌舞升平, byzantium lives in song.
几家欢喜几家忧愁? were all her dwellings palaces?
梦城亚特兰蒂斯, and even in atlantis of the legend,
沉默之夜,将死之人, the night the sea rushed in,the drowning men
仍对苦役恶语相向。 still bellowed for their slaves.
亚历山大征服印度, young alexander conquered india,
仅凭一人之师? he alone?
凯撒攻下高卢, caesar beat the gauls.
岂无厨师随行? was there not even a cook in his army?
腓力二世海战灰飞烟灭, philip of spain wept as his fleet was sunk and destroyed.
几人泪眼相望? were there no other tears?
腓特烈大帝七年胜站, frederick the great triumphed in the seven years' war.
麾下将士几何? who triumphed with him?
凯歌数不尽, each page a victory.
庆功者何人? at whose expense the victory ball?
十年一豪杰, every ten years a great man.
谁人独风骚? who paid the piper?

贝尔托·布莱希特,是一位著名的德国戏剧家与诗人。1898年2月10日,贝尔托·布莱希特生于德国巴伐利亚奥格斯堡镇。年青时曾任剧院编剧和导演。曾投身工人运动。1933年后流亡欧洲大陆。1941年经苏联去美国,但战后遭迫害,1947年返回欧洲。1948年起定居东柏林。1951年因对戏剧的贡献而获国家奖金。1955年获列宁和平奖金。 1956年8月14日布莱希特逝世于柏林。